Even at 25, you gotta start some time.'
Or something like that.
The rains are here again, the hills are turning green. I am moving past the drama and emotion of last spring/summer into a fall that is looking much more prosperous. Everything is amazing and new. Not counting my amazing road trip, i haven't been this happy in forever.
I want this blog to be more 'posi' than my livejournal has been (and may continue to be if i keep it). This is going to be a log of how awesome this fall and winter will be. With pictures! First of all, i need to get a new digital camera...
I am going to be going to Rachel and Josh's apartment tonight to carve pumpkins.
After this, i will cart my computer and new monitor to the canyon. On Friday, i should be getting a new phone line so i can get online, at least via dialup. At work, we are finishing up the Army Corps project, and watching the early rains roll in. At home, i will be talking to friends and waiting for the World of Warcraft Beta to hopefully come out. Next weekend and beyond.. who knows?