Some valley oaks in Cheseboro canyon are producing an extrordinary number of acorns. I found one i swear was nearly 3 inches long. In just a few hours of collecting, me and a co-worker gathered over 2000 acorns! In the next few weeks, we will plant them in degraded ecosystems, and monitor their success rate. If early rains continue, it should be a good year for seedling oaks. In any rate, it's a good year to be a squirrel.
Yep, when it rains, it pours. I remember last month i was complaining that Los Angeles was boring and i couldn't find enough fun stuff to do. Now, i barely have enough time to catch my breath. Last weekend, i went country western dancing with friends (which mostly consisted of drinking MGD), visited my parents, helped my
other friends move into their new fancy place,
and went to a
huge indie rock fest (feast) . At the latter, we stood around in the rain and watched people's badly dyed black hair get soggy and messenger bags get saturated. We also witnessed the odd spectacle of two people 'dry humping' right in the middle of the crowd in the rain. Apparently they were too drunk to realize they weren't in a secluded lucation. Nevertheless, the Shins were amazing and the Flaming Lips were a ton of fun.
Good stuff.