Gilia capitata), Santa Barbara Botanic Gardens
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Dorky me and the ventura river
Here is me looking dorky with the Ventura River floodplain in the background, from along the steepest part of the bike trail.
Farther along the trail, and thankfully upstream from the refinery, this is where San Antonio Creek flows into the Ventura River. Both watercourses still hold some steelhead trout and support lots of native riparian vegetation. Unfortunately, there is also lots of Arundo.
The wasteland
Last weekend my friend Brian and I biked to Ojai from Ventura, a round trip of around 30 miles. It was the longest bike trip I've been on a long time. Near Ventura, the trail passes near an abandoned oil refinery that looks like a post-apocolyptic wasteland.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Me and Poppies!
Me and poppies, at the poppy preserve. Some of my other pictures are not displaying properly in my blog, so I wanted to try again.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Dead Trees
Dead Trees on the ridge behind the cabin in Green Valley Lake. Unfortunately, in some areas most of the pines died, probably because fire suppression led to a buildup of brush, and when it finally burned, it killed all the pines.