I'm not a huge fan of the Christmas season, and for the most part try to ignore the hype. However, the solstice, which all these pagan rituals were originally direced towards, happened Wednesday night, and on Thursday i spent about 12 hours in the car with dave talking and thinking... a better ritual for me than whatever christmas may or may not offer.
I can't say the whole year has been great, but the last few months really have been. Things have turned around so much since last summer... and it seems like many years ago that i was living in Solstice. Things are great, but most importantly, it looks like next year will be better.
So here is what i wish for next year, for me, and for all of you who read this.
(pardon the emo, but it's just one post a year)
May your winter days be cool, around 55 degrees good hoodie weather. May every day be the first clear day after the biggest storm of the year, when the canyons run full with water, the air is crystal clear, and the mountains are coated in a thick layer of snow.
May every summer day be warm, about 85 degrees on the coast, with a mysterious lack of fog and smog, and a spattering of summer thunderstorms over the peaks to the northeast.
May your springs and falls be crisp, and windy. May the hills remain green well into May, and the fires in October be small and cleansing.
May you be surrounded by friends and family, except when you are taking times to walk the canyons alone. May you have an awesome girl (or guy, per your preference) at your side to wander with when you don't want to be alone. May your car run well, your dog or cat be healthy and content, and may the road be open and free when it comes time to leave town.
Have a good holiday bizatches. Time to get back to work.