Thursday, October 06, 2005

Everything put together falls apart.

Today i was doing a survey of impacts to a creek in a rather 'redneck' area. I will not post general details here, but suffice to say: do NOT drink out of a creek no matter how nice it looks. This particular creek is less than pristine but i had no idea that leaking septic tanks, etc, were so close to the water. There were some nice, fat trout in there too.. probably fat from bottom feeding off of the fecal matter... not to mention, the trout were probably meth addicts. Oh well. It isnt Yosemite here, but the work i do here is truly in the trenches of conservation. These lands, being so close to the city, are the most open to abuse of anything around, but they are also the most important in allowing people to appreciate and experience natural areas... if people do not experience them, they will see no value in their protection.
I worked late, and when i was driving home on the 210, the sun had already set. And lo and behold, as i approached Pasadena, my CAR TURNED OFF! Yep.. right on the freeway, going 65.. it turned off! I managed to coast to the side and had it towed to the ford dealer which is conveniently located a quarter mile from my house. So it could have been a lot worse. Tomorrow i will figure out what is wrong with it.
Upon arriving home I also made the pleasant discovery that my electronic door opener was dead. I was pretty disturbed, but i called John (my roommate) who is in Hawaii right now, and he told me where he stores the extra batteries. That is fixed now.
I am planning a fall trip up to the Cabin in a 2 weeks. It won't be the party that April was, but it will be good times with close friends, which is just as good. There could be some fall color, and there will be beer, and a good sunset, and hiking to do. Incidentally, i met one of the botanists who works in the area around Green Valley Lake. My first thought was 'OMG PLANT GIRL!' but i quickly realized she was dating one of the other employees of that forest. Anyway, they both seem cool, so I may invite them up to the cabin as well. (they also both live near major snowboarding areas so perhaps i will have more people to go boarding with now).
Anyway, other than the car, everything is good. My weekend plans call for hanging out in Pasadena friday night, going to Torrance on saturday night (i have friends to pick up at the airport early on Sunday) and seeing Dave on Sunday. Monday i also have off, it will probably be a Warcraft day, or else a visit to the close mountains.

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